The RESCUER project will be executed over a period of 36 months, organised in three phases. In more detail, the RESCUER project activities are organized into 10 Work Packages with horizontal development (augmented sensing, localisation, protection and horizontal technologies) and vertical management and outreach activities. The three phases mix these activities efficiently in order to reach the desired outcomes.
Initial Development Phase (M01 – M10)
The first phase of RESCUER spans the first 10 months where the project will build on the initial discussions between the technical team and the FR representatives to initially define user requirements and use cases (MS1) which will be analysed and mapped to functionalities and then specifications to eventually define the tools’ architecture and the modules’ specifications. Interoperable data formats and fluent interfaces will be designed and defined for each module that will set the ground for the subsequent R&D activities, while at the same time, assembling each tool’s technical requirements and leading to the definition of the System Architecture (MS2). The use case scenarios will also be concretely defined to allow for the subsequent piloting phases. Moreover, project management and coordination procedures will be implemented over this 1st year along with contacts with interested stakeholders and the Advisory Board.
Core Development Phase (M11 – M20)
The second phase of RESCUER (next 10 months) and will focus on the core developments of the global RESCUER tools and systems and the first evaluation and piloting round within the end-user representative scenarios. The FRs will also perform a continuous usability and performance analysis (Τ3.3) in order to assess the new technologies and tools developed within RESCUER (Section An early integration effort will produce the first version of RESCUER tools system (MS3) and will help the technical team better map the technical developments on the end-user requirements and needs and in accordance to the scenarios allowing for a timely identification of potential issues. This phase will end with the completion of first pilot (MS4). Τools will be technically verified and validated after thorough testing during this pilot by the RESCUER technical teams. This will ensure the readiness level of the tools and systems that the FR representatives will assess and provide feedback. Aim is to shape the tools to match the end-user requirements according to their usability and performance standards and guarantee that the 3rd phase developments will be re-targeted to address the end-user needs.
Maturation Phase (M21 – M36)
The third phase will be the RESCUER maturation phase (last 16 months), where the core developments of Phase II will be refined based on the feedback received from the first pilots and the final version of RESCUER tools system will be completed (MS5). The research conducted within RESCUER will be delivered for validation by a wider FR audience during the second pilot (MS6). Similar to Phase II, a thorough technical assessment of the tools and systems will be conducted before their validation with the end-users to guarantee their robustness and usability. Phase III will also focus on wider outreach and disseminate its results to the stakeholders. The culmination of this phase after the final technologies delivery, evaluation and piloting will be formulated as policy outcomes and a set of recommendations, knowledge acquired and guidelines document.
PERT Chart