Practitioners such as First and Second Responders are core part of innovative research in Disaster Resilience Fundings. Reaching out for more than directly involved trial staff offers the opportunity to spread the idea of projects like RESCUER and open the floor for discussion on ongoing developments as well as ideas for the future.
Austrian Red Cross research team participated in the bi-annually conducted “ARC Federal Full Scale Exercise” called “UHUdler” hosted in Southern Burgenland in October 2023 and presented its research project portfolio driven by the motto “Disasters, so what?!” (German: “Katastrophe, na und?!”).
Besides operative tasks in exercise scenarios from Black out, CBRNe, Mass panic, airplane crash and many more the crowd of almost 400 participants was invited to pass by at the research kiosk at the Base of Operations and get in touch with projects like RESCUER.
Especially RESCUER videos of trials and tools presentation, announced webinars and of course our comic series – with premiere of the latest issue no 4 – have been highly interesting for the audience of commanders and operative staff members.
Link to exercise: